There’s been a lot of buzz lately. Lots of talk and stuff written recently about The Metaverse — and Meta, the company formerly known as The Facebook.

Some of it is hype. Folks looking to fan their own technological (and valuation!) flames. But, a fair amount of enthusiasm, too.

And… some healthy skepticism. Even entrenched naysayers perhaps looking no further than the near-term.

There is, of course, an argument to be made for both sides at this moment in time. Some of it is like a bullet-hype-train that’s left the station. And some of it feels like a bus that’s sputtering at the local Greyhound station, waiting for passengers to board prior to departing.

I’m thinking the metaverse — at least at this particular stage in its nascency — is more of a minivan. A bit of a Mystery Mobile Minivan, at that.

Van by John Burraco. (Courtesy of the Noun Project).

At its most fundamental level, the metaverse can be defined as a kinda network. And a technology. A destination, as well ;P Sound familiar? Reminiscent of the internet, perhaps?!

Basically an evolution in the way we interact with the technology that already connects us.

I *think that I’m thinking about it in the following manner. The metaverse will be:

  • An interoperable network of 3D virtual worlds that scale in real-time. A combination of device inputs and outputs (e.g., VR/ AR/ Mixed) will provide the means of interaction gateways. Form factors will always matter.

  • Places where it is easier to bring your stuff (e.g., content, cosmetics, knowledge) with you. Less fragmentation — fingers-crossed! — across digital work and play.

  • And ultimately, a continuation of the blending of our real and digital lives and smoother continuity. For example, kids on Roblox and in Fortnite don’t readily distinguish between them. It’s all about interacting and identity.

Or, it will be.

* More thoughts soon. Watch this space. The disclaimer here is that my thoughts are subject to change and evolve ;)

FYI — I’m also looking forward to reading Matthew Ball’s The Metaverse book that was recently published. I’ve always appreciated his structured thinking in this domain across a variety of dimensions.

